AI and Machine Learning Solutions

Machine learning algorithms are transforming how we do business every day, and it’s important to structure an adoption plan that creates a strong synergy between technology and business processes. To do this, it is important to start with custom solutions that adapt to the client’s needs, giving top priority to data security and client know-how.

Automation of Complex Systems

Artificial intelligence must become a valuable ally for companies, not just a simple chatbot. AI can automate long and monotonous processes and learn from data to capture critical information that humans often struggle to recognize.

Generative AI

Generative AI has quickly entered our daily lives, simplifying access to information and the creation of content such as text and images. In reality, generative AI revolutionizes how we access the digital world. However, within business contexts, it is important to safeguard data security by using proprietary models whose knowledge and origin are known to our clients.

Data Enhancement

Data has become central within our companies. However, data alone cannot deliver the intrinsic value it contains. To unlock its potential, it is necessary to use AI models capable of extracting hidden information.

Data Pipelines and Data Management

To use data effectively, it is necessary to have a business strategy for both creation and utilization. The quantity and heterogeneity of data require new technologies that can create flows quickly to increase the speed of utilization. Additionally, it is essential not to duplicate or move data to ensure its security and accessibility at any time.

Modification of Logic to Speed Up Flows

Being able to monitor one’s business in real-time, whether it’s a production or service company, has become essential. Doing this, however, is not simple: very often, one encounters the reality of a data management structure that greatly slows the creation of new flows for BI, or worse, one is forced to settle for non-real-time data. At BlueIT, we have the technologies and skills to develop flows and data management logic to make data access fast and dynamic.

Data Security

The most important things within companies are the skills and knowledge that enable the production of products and the provision of services. Data holds the companies’ information, and it is therefore mandatory to ensure the highest level of security. Our experience in cybersecurity and Data and AI has given us the skills to design data analysis and management flows that ensure the highest security standards.

Data Extraction and Visualization

Once the data is ready and available, it is important to make it accessible in the simplest way possible. This does not just mean creating visualizations that extract some information for users, but also introducing generative AI logic that enables the creation of real-time graphs and correlations to better understand business performance.

Domain-Specific Application Development

Over the years, BlueIT has had the opportunity to develop specific solutions for the finance, industrial, and space sectors, among others. Our experience in adapting new technologies in such heterogeneous environments has given us the skills needed to tackle the most challenging issues. Technology must be adapted and interconnected to achieve the desired results. At BlueIT, our goal is to make these new technologies accessible to our clients to reap their benefits.

Software Solutions

All our applications are developed with a container logic to offer our clients the best solution not only in terms of innovation but also with an application structure that is maintainable over time and meets the highest security standards not only at the time of release but also in the future.

IoT Solutions

Although technology exists in the digital world, it is important that it connects to the real world and interacts with it correctly. At BlueIT, we have many years of experience developing IoT solutions, not only in choosing the best sensor for our clients’ needs but also in creating the entire data flow and processing produced to offer our clients a ready-to-use solution entirely designed and managed by us.

Business Process Transformation

Advisor activities aimed at Digital and Innovation Transformation. The digitization and automation of business processes combined with application optimization offer the ideal context in which to make production activities more efficient, guaranteeing a competitive advantage for the customer.

Innovation & Digital Strategy advisory

Analysis of the software adopted to rationalize use and carry out a mapping or specific insights of the application park together with the customer, indicating the capabilities and level of integration between the systems in order to optimize management costs and reduce maintenance needs.

Process digitalization & Automation

Analysis of production processes to robotize and automate repetitive steps, optimizing performance and minimizing opportunities for errors.

Technological scouting

Scouting based on the client’s differences and needs to identify applicable solutions or technology which can address production and / or organizational needs

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